Death--Just a phase change

“For the living know that they shall die;but the dead know not any thing,neither have they any more a reward;for the memory of them is forgotten”—An allusion from the
Holy Bible—Ecclesiastes-9:5

Yes,the sudden death of our beloved makes us to feel like everything is lost..We think of many situations..We make many decisions..We undergo depression..Regret the days of our anger at them..also now we beg for a chance to live with them again..But we know that’s impossible…Instead there’s one solution..! Only thing is to pray god for forgiveness..also forgive the miserable acts of them and repent that we may have a peace of mind and their soul will rest in peace..

“For this we say unto you by the word of the lord,that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep..For the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,with the voice of the archangel,and with the trump of god:and the dead in Christ shall rise first:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,to meet the lord in the air:and so we ever be with the lord.Wherefore comfort one another with these words”—An allusion from the Holy Bible—1 Thessalonians-4:14-18.

Only crying in the death house for the dead will do nothing…Instead our heart must cry..our soul must cry..and forgive their mean acts..forgive them with our whole heart..Our tears must be true..Not for name sake nor for others to see that we are in sorrow..We must be very particular so that the dead will rest in peace and also with a hope that they will be coming with us to the eternal heaven during the second coming and there shall be no death anymore...and we shall all be blessed ! That’s the feeling one must have..and I’ve found it today..When I saw a death house ..I watch that everyone..who have even not met that person comes and weeps for him..but if that visit had been the time when the death person were alive then ..that would be a blessing for the visitor…Just think and see..Instead of everyone’s the death would have been better if that visit had been the day he’s alive ! Moreover the love and affection we show to a person who is alive pays off far better than to a person who is dead..! So my dear friends..try to share god’s love to every that they may see your good works and benefit from that..! This is just a piece of message which I felt that I must give to the people who are suffering from the loss of their beloved ones..Just remember the death is the event where the people just passes from one phase to the other..Also believe that they will all rise one day and we shall all have eternal life..where there is no hunger,no thirst,no pain,no sorrow,no sick..and no DEATH !..So be happy..Always have courage and be kind..All will be well !☺☺


Mistakes are the proof that you are trying



Love never fails !