Christmas is not the birth of Christ, just a Satanic festivity..!!!!  says,Samuel Majamanda
Read this full article which consists of shocking facts stated by many religious writers,researchers to know the truth...
Festivals bring joy,happiness,get togetherness of families and all in all it is the time to have some great "FUN".
One of such greatly awaited and widely celebrated festivals is CHRISTMAS..Though it is considered as a religious festival,it is celebrated by all genre of people all around the world..People decorate their houses with shining stars,Christmas trees,mistletoe,gifts etc..., investing lots and lots of money and time..But,many are there who are unaware,not knowing the real hidden meaning behind Christmas or why they celebrate it in the first place...!?
It is obvious that most of the people reading this article,truly believe in Christmas as being a celebration of the birth of the Son of God. As an adventist,I grew up believing that Jesus was born to forgive our sins and redeem us so that we can be in his eternal kingdom,forever. But,truly I can't emphasize that it is on December 25th that Jesus,the saviour was born because there is no evidence in the holy book bible that Jesus was born on that day. Moreover,we can see that it was the time when shepherds were grazing their sheep during a silent night..gathering to offer their wishes to the new born king..It was a wide night time.for startets and Israel like many other countries experiences two main types of weathers; winter and summer (although two other minor weather conditions might fall in between the two). Its summer begins in May and ends in September, while winter starts in October and ends in March.During winter, day temperatures in the country usually range from 17 to 22o Celsius, and night temperatures range from 10 to 15o Celsius.We all know that during winter there is always plenty green pasture around us, that no one would want to go on field feeding-trips with livestock. But still the story of the birth of Jesus Christ tells us that the very first people to receive the message about His birth were herdsmen who were visited by an Angel while at their Animal Feeding Field (where they usually camped for many days with their animals, in search of greener pastures and water). Now when I look at that story the first thing that hits my mind is summer, and not winter. And am sure it tells you the same too.The fact that they were actually feeding animals in the field reveals a summer birth of Jesus, which literally contradicts the current Christmas date especially also looking at how the weather would be on December 25 in Bethlehem of Nazareth.One can wisely conclude that it would be total madness for someone to just choose to spend nights in thefield under temperatures as cold as 10 to 15o Celsius, supposedly in search for greener pastures when it’s winter and green pastures is everywhere.It is during summer that Animal Heads go on such trips, and as indicated before, summer in Israel falls across May through September; suggesting that Jesus might have been born on some date like 18 August or just some other day, that the human race does not even give a sense about..!!!
The Bible does not really openly indicate as to what time of the year (Day, Week and Month) Jesus Christ was born. But surely by simply looking at the Weather pattern in Israel where Jesus was born (in Bethlehem of Nazareth), one is sure to conclude that He was not born any date close to December 25

However while growing up,my childish eagerness pricked me to adore Christmas tree,Santa gifts, mistletoe, Christmas stars and many other attractive things they use at the time of Christmas.When I was 9,my father suddenly stopped hanging Christmas stars,Christmas tree, stopped gifting and inviting Santa to our house.As a traditional way abruptly stopped I was so upset and angry at the same time.On the eve of Christmas I didn't have any celebration while I saw others happily singing,dancing,drinking, shouting with joy,gifting others etc...My eagerness pricked me hell bad to research the hidden lie which my parents told me at that time and I couldn't understand it..!
A free that incident that I came to know the real origin of this festival some level  whether to continue believing that the day, December 25 is worthy celebrating as a Christian holiday and a special day for the Lord.???

My puzzle remained until when I finally experienced the pain of discovering that for a long time many of us have ignorantly been taking part in celebrating a pagan holiday that is so very closely (almost inseparably) related to Satanism, blood-drinking, and human sacrificing.After much research and question session with great religious writers I was enlightened that on how foolish we people have been for ages, simply because we don’t care.After more and more deep researches I found that Christmas was not supposed to be a Christian festival if the world was to be fair unto itself and unto Jesus Christ Himself.
While not judging anyone who celebrates Christmas; my conviction is that celebrating the holiday is to some considerable level, subconsciously taking part in Satanism and the advancement of the Reptilian Agenda (also known as the Babylonian Agenda) which seeks to turn the World into one state, with one leader, one currency, one health system and one everything.(Satanism,illuminati) As warned in the chapter of revelation.

So what sort of a holiday is Christmas? Put in simple terms, it’s a satanic festivity.
Then why do people celebrate the birth of Christ on thisdate? According to readily available History, the first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25 was in 336 A.D during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (who was the first Christian Emperor). A few years later Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the same date. That is exactly how we got here.

It should be noted here that Satanism and Christianity are almost like two souls existing in one body (The body being the Church), and this is where the Antichrist has actually developed strong roots that even uprooting them has seemed to be literally impossible throughout recorded history. It is for this reason that the people serving Satan have ably managed to misguide innocent people around the world ever since the dawn of Satanism on earth, because not only do human being respect everything that the Church teaches them; but they also condemn any questioning of such authority. As the bible verse says us clearly that '....the truth shall set you free…’cleverly and systematically, some people who knew exactly what they were doing (and of course the people who are in control of things even beyond the Presidency and the Papacy), actually manipulated Pope Julius I to use his powers (knowing how powerful the Pope was) in declaring the Christmas date as a day to celebrate the birth of the Lord.

Of course thereby fulfilling their dreams of making this date (December 25) a World Celebration day for something else literally unrelated to Jesus Christ and the Christian Church
So what is Christmas really all about in the underworld? Ironically and sickeningly, this most celebrated Christian event is a satanic celebration commemorating the death of an old king and the birth of a new king. This is the season during which thousands of children chosen from across the world are initiated into satanic practice at the highest level and of course the children are introduced into the New World Order mind control Programme that is a foundation for establishing the satanic (New World Order) leadership across the 2000 years (facts in Revelations of the Mother goddess by Arizona Walder). On the midnight of the 24th of December when we Christians ignorantly think Jesus was actually born, a very important satanic ritual called ‘the last bauble on the tree’ takes place. As revealed by Arizona Walder (revelations of the Mother goddess), in this ritual, among the chosen children, the very last child that places a bauble on the Christmas tree is killed for the ceremony. It is also of great importance to mention that the Christmas tree is a very powerful satanic symbol from the underworld. David Icke through his book The biggest Secret reveals that during such rituals there is lots of blood drinking and lots of human sacrifice made to the devil, hence the increased number of road accidents close to, during and even immediately after the Christmas festive season.
From these accidents blood is drawn and used at the rituals, because the Satanists have to drink more blood if they are to remain in human form (body) since they give their bodies to the devil and are given a reptile body into which they can easily manifest if it took a long time for them without sucking human blood. (Shape-shifting is another broad topic). The satanic Christmas celebrations existed way long before Christianity and indeed before the first Christian Church decided to come up with a date on which the world would celebrate the birth of the Lord. There are several other holidays that are presented to people in one way yet the creators of such holidays know exactly what the holidays are all about, such as Halloween and all these many Republic days in African countries. Apparently most of the Colonialists granted freedom to their Colonies on particular important dates when they were celebrating something in the satanic set up. It should be noted here that Satanism is a very broad topic that encompasses Religion, Politics, Culture, Education, Health and what have you; because Satan was here even before Jesus Christ Himself was born to us on earth. As such it is hard for one to separate between the Christian Religion and Satanism, and that is why most people today have ignorantly goneastray in the name of Church beliefs. It is upon everyone’s head to make a decision as to whether Christmas is worth celebrating as the day of the Lord’s birth or just another day famous for all the wrong reasons. If however one of us decides that ignorance is bliss and that there is nothing to lose in celebrating Christmas as long as it means something else to them

First, it is clear that the Bible does not contain a command to keep Christmas as a sacred day, such as with the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments. There is no Scripture saying, “Thou shalt keep the 25th of December holy.” While it might be a public holiday, it is not a biblical holy day.

Having said that, let me state again that there is absolutely nothing wrong with selecting any particular time to meditate and reflect on the incarnation of our Savior. I would suggest that during Christmas we could spend time thinking about the mystery of the Incarnation. It is a mystery in that it testifies to the fact that the Son of God became “flesh” (John 1:14). The Creator became a creature in order to save us from the power of sin and death.
The Nativity can also be understood as God’s gift to the human race; in His Son, God gave us the most precious gift He could bestow on us. He was the bread of heaven freely given to us by our heavenly Father (John 6:48-51).
But the Nativity is also a time of proclamation. That night angels proclaimed to shepherds the good news: “Do not be afraid…. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you” (Luke 2:10, 11). We should join our voices with that of the angels and proclaim once more throughout the planet the glorious news of peace and freedom from fear and through Christ, the Lord. Christmas provides an excellent opportunity to remind the human race that the Child born in Bethlehem is coming

The Bible certainly highlights the birth of Christ (Luke 2:7). It not only describes the glorious announcement of the Messiah’s birth (v. 13) but also tells of shepherds coming to worship the newborn child (v. 16). These humble worshippers were not quiet about what they saw either (v. 17). Furthermore, there is a record of wise men from the east bringing gifts to Jesus—though this likely occurred when Jesus was a toddler (Matthew 2:11). If people recognized the birth of Christ through worship and bringing gifts, perhaps there is something we can learn from their examples.

Aside from its pagan elements, most people understand that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. But in practice, people spend more time in December cruising shopping malls than studying the life of the Savior. Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer compete with wise men and shepherds for our attention. During all the bustle between “Black Friday” and Christmas Eve, materialism tends to overshadow the simple stable.
But what if Christians spent more time witnessing for Christ at Christmas or purchasing and sharing Christians resources to point people to Jesus? What would happen if more families dedicated time and money to serve the poor and advance the gospel through short-term mission service? How would our churches be strengthened if, during this holiday time, believers explored the prophecies of Christ’s first advent as well as His second advent? Perhaps our concerns about Christmas should have less to do with its pagan origins and more with its current practice.

Many people might deny they “worship” this day as holy, but what is worship? Worship isn’t measured by simply attending a Christmas concert or midnight mass. It describes how we live our lives and spend our means. As Paul said, "He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord" (Romans 14:6), and, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”
(1 Corinthians 10:31).

DISCLAIMER:The theories expressed in this Article are not the only possible interpretation of the subject under discussion.It is only about the truth and the hidden lie behind the festival Christmas and it does not contain any imaginary ideas or thoughts.. The information was gathered from the internet stated by many religious people and from the HOLY BOOK bible...And it is also not written to criticize anyone..The pictures contained in this article are gathered from the google images and it is nothing illusionary. Readers are advised to make their personal decisions based on all available revelations and facts on this topic.


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